
Annual Symposia

Since its inception the Society has held an annual gathering or members’ meeting. In 1991 the Native Plant Society of Texas initiated an educational project designed to explore the ecology of the many vegetation regions of Texas, through a series of symposia undertaken in conjunction with its annual members’ meeting. Every spring and fall the meeting convenes in a different region which will be the focus of that year’s symposium. Field trips, workshops and exhibits complement the presentations. While the symposium may be of special interest to our members, it is open to the public. 

The Society also holds a Spring Symposium in conjunction with Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

In some years the Society has published Symposium Proceedings which collect many of the presentations from the symposium and are linked below.

Fall Symposium 2025 Logo - Teach for the Future

Mark your calendars: The NPSOT Fall Symposium is coming to Salado, Texas on October 3, 4, and 5th, 2025! 

Note that the time-frame has shifted from Thursday-Friday-Saturday to Friday-Saturday-Sunday this year! 

Save the dates!

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