Buy Native Plants
The Northeast chapter hosts a native plant sale (Insert Dates Here). We stock only Texas native plants that do well in this region. We have both nursery-grown and pass-along plants (plants grown by members).
Spring 2023 Sale
We sold (# of plants sold), and that means (#plants) native plants in Northeast Texas area.
Fall 2023 Sale
Date/Location TBD
We’ll post the expected Plant List shortly before the sale – no guarantees and no reserving plants!
How to Prepare for the Native Plant Sale
1. Arrive early – we often sell out before noon.
2. Bring your list, but be flexible – think about the space you are trying to fill, not one specific plant.
3. Get Advice
a) Check the plant labels
b) Ask the volunteers
4. Bring a checkbook or cash ( We don’t accept credit cards at this time)
5. Look for pass-alongs – plants from member gardens. They already proved they like it here!
6. Bring a wagon, cart, or handled bag
7. Bring flats or boxes to keep your treasures in while shopping and on the way home.
8. Bring water
9. Wear a hat and comfortable shoes
10. Come with questions!