
Invasive Plants

Arundo donax; Photo credit: Deedy Wright

On a global basis … the two great destroyers of biodiversity are, first, habitat destruction and second, invasion by exotic species. 

E. O. Wilson, Father of Biodiversity

Our Mission

The mission of the NPSOT Invasive Plant Committee is to convey the harm caused by invasive plants, to provide informational resources to identify and manage invasive plants, to support invasive plant removal and to restore habitats with native plant alternatives.

To contact the Invasive Plant Committee, send us an email

Negative Impact of Invasive Plants

  1. Contribute to the decline of our natural biodiversity.
  2. Impact the health of ecosystems by displacing native plants. 
  3. Impact nature’s balance on which all species, including humans, depend.

In order to preserve the biodiversity and conserve natural habitat quality throughout our state, the Native Plant Society of Texas encourages the use of native plants on public and private lands and discourages the use of invasive plants.

Invasive Plant Database

To search for plants in the invasive plant database, use the search box below and filter by type of plant if desired and press Submit. 

You can enter the plant’s common or scientific name, or other relevant criteria to refine your search. 

The database will return matching invasive plants, along with detailed information about each species’ characteristics, impacts, and more. We also show information about removal and appropriate native species replacements for your ecoregion.

Air Potato

Dioscorea bulbifera



Alternanthera philoxeroides

Aquatic, Perennial

Amur Honeysuckle

Lonicera maachii


Anchored Water Hyacinth

Pontederia azurea

Aquatic, Perennial

Bastard Cabbage

Rapistrum rugosum



Cynodon dactylon

Grass and Sedge, Perennial

Big Leaf Periwinkle

Vinca major

Groundcover, Vine

Bradford Pear

Pyrus calleryana


Brazilian Peppertree

Schinus terebinthifolius

Shrub, Tree

Brazilian Vervain

Verbena brasiliensis

Annual, Perennial


Cenchrus ciliare

Grass and Sedge

Camphor Tree

Cinnamomum camphora


Catclaw Vine

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Perennial, Vine

Cherokee Rose

Rosa laevigata

Shrub, Vine


Melia azedarach


Chinese Parasol Tree

Firmiana simplex


Chinese Pistache

Pistacia chinensis


Chinese Privet

Ligustrum sinense

Shrub, Tree

Chinese Tallow

Triadica sebifera


Chinese Wisteria

Wisteria sinensis


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