Robert Edmonson with the Texas A & M Forest Service spoke to the May 23 Fredericksburg chapter meeting. Sharing his expertise about choosing trees. He began by saying “choose the right tree for the place, don’t just find a place for the tree you want to plant. Some trees just don’t like the Edwards Plateau. And some people plant the right tree in the wrong place.”
Not to worry. There are a lot from which to choose. These are native to the Edwards Plateau and have grown up with our special climate and soils. This handout was unavailable at the time of the meeting. This is the update he promised.
Native Trees of the Edwards Plateau
Once location is decided how do you plant the tree.
Tree Planting – the 12 step program provides the step by step directions to successfully plant in your location.
How to Kill a Tree Just in case you wanted to know.
Ball Moss It doesn’t kill trees.
Tree Growing Guide by the TreeFolks and Austin Energy provides a colorful diagram with the same information. (Sometimes a picture helps the information take root.)