Texas Bluebonnet
Lupinus texensis
February 2023 Plant of the Month
Our February Plant of the Month-The Texas Bluebonnet. Who knew the beautiful Bluebonnet could cause a 70-year battle? In March 1901 the Texas Legislature adopted Lupinus subcarnosus as the state flower. At the time, the legislators were unaware of another larger and brighter species of Bluebonnet, the Lupinus texensis. People fought hard for the legislature to change the state flower from the daintier species to the heartier. Finally in 1971, the politicians compromised to include both species as the state flower and included an umbrella clause for any similar species discovered. As it turns out, there are currently three additional species located in different regions of Texas — Big Bend/Chisos Bluebonnet (Lupinus. harvardii); Annual Lupine (Lupinus concinnus) in the Trans-Pecos region; and the Nebraska Lupine, Dune Bluebonnet (Lupinus plattensis) in the Texas Pan Handle. Most people consider Lupinus texenis as THE Texas Bluebonnet and is what is seen throughout the Hill Country and along the Texas highways.
By Leanne Courtney