It’s spring! And that means our Spring Plant Sale is coming up quickly! If you are growing plants for this special event, please email your plant list by April 1, so we can get all the labels printed. Send your email to: Kathy Webster (, Gary Fest ( and Theresa Butler (
Your plant labels will be ready for pickup at the CNC office by 9:00 a.m. on April 15.
Growers will need to deliver their donated plants (with labels attached) to Herff Farm on Friday, April 19 between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. so we will have time to get the plants organized and ready for the sale. The “Members Only” pre-sale will take place from 3:00-6:00 on the 19th. The sale will be open to the public from 9:00-1:00 on Saturday, April 20.
Gary Fest will organize and schedule volunteers to work on Friday and Saturday. LOTS of volunteers are needed! Please email Gary and let him know if you can work 9-12 on Friday for setup, 3-6 on Friday for the presale, or on Saturday for the public sale.
If you need help with picking up labels or delivering your plants to Herff Farm, call Kathy Webster to make arrangements:210-867-4656. THANK YOU TO ALL THE GROWERS AND VOLUNTEERS!!