Join us on Zoom for our March meeting on the 15th at 6:30 for social time, 7:00 for quick announcements, then our program. This month we’ll have Ricky Linex with “Riparian Management, Why Creeks Act the Way they Do”. Register in order to get the meeting link via https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqd–gpj8tGNVk0S_M7JgVyQ3dErFHDFJk
This presentation goes into the relationships of riparian areas to the uplands that provide water to the riparian areas and the importance of good land stewardship for the maintenance of healthy creeks and rivers. I will show several native riparian plants and discuss a strength rating of each plant as well as its wetland indicator rating which shows how much wetness a plant can tolerate. We will discuss what goes wrong when vegetation and landform cannot support the excessive amounts of water provided to the creeks, say from overgrazing or urban growth, and how erosion results. We will show how creeks can be restored by removing the hindrances that created the problem. This will take a full hour to give and I will provide a handout that list riparian plants of north central Texas including their strength rating and wetland indicator rating.
Ricky Linex was a wildlife biologist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Weatherford until his retirement in January. He is the author of “Range Plants of North Central Texas, A Land User’s Guide to Their Identification, Value and Management” – a plant identification book for Texas detailing regional grasses, forbs, and woody plants – which was honored as an “Outstanding Publication” by the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. He is also a past president of our Cross Timbers Chapter in Weatherford and is a past member of our State Board. He has made the study of plants his passion for the past 37 years. A genuine land steward who combines his knowledge of the land with an appreciation and respect for the land.
Handout: https://www.npsot.org/wp/dallas/files/2021/03/Riparian-Plants-of-North-Central-Texas-with-SR.pdf