Led by the Board of Directors, Cross Mountain, with its Monarch garden, is a new and exciting collaboration between the City of Fredericksburg and our Native Plant Society chapter. A long-neglected city park, Cross Mountain is experiencing a rebirth under the guidance of the new City Parks Director, Andrea Schmidt. Andrea has embraced the vision of our master of native plants, Kathy Lyles, for a park featuring natural habitat rather than a roll of sterile St. Augustine grass. She welcomes our chapter volunteers who not only have removed invasive and undesirable plants, but have saved trees which city contractors had marked for the chainsaw. Plants for the pollinator garden have been donated by our chapter and are maintained by dedicated, enthusiastic members of the society on a regular basis. Cross Mountain is a work in progress but, in time, will be a showplace of native plants, birds, and butterflies in a natural setting; to be long enjoyed by our residents and visitors. Our chapter is in the unique and enviable position of being on the ground floor of development of this resurrected community park.