Monday, December 9 • 6 – 8 p.m.
Garden Room, Bayou Building, UHCL
The Clear Lake Chapter’s annual Holiday Party will be held in the Garden Room of the Bayou Building on the UHCL campus. The party will include a garden gift exchange (unwrapped), a native plant bingo and a delicious potluck supper, annual awards, and lots more!
You may bring your own meal if you would rather not participate in the potluck dishes. Everyone will need to bring their own cup or glass, plate, and silverware. Iced tea and water will be available.
To avoid everyone bringing a delicious desert, it is suggested that if your last name begins with:
A-C – bring a Salad
D-J – bring a Main Dish
K-P – bring a Dessert
R-Z – bring an Appetizer
Gift Exchange
Please bring an unwrapped gift to participate in the gift exchange. Participants will get a raffle-style ticket and as numbers are drawn, winners will choose something from the table. What to bring? Books, gloves, a tool, something from the garden, or if you are crafty or artistic, bring some of your work. Please note that you absolutely do not need to buy anything new.
Like last year, we will have several rousing rounds of plant bingo. Brush up on your native plants to win a prize!
Parking Pass Required
Parking passes required. If you have a pass, don’t forget it – you will not get another one if you picked one up previously. If you need a pass, arrive early enough to pick one up in the meeting room and place it in your car. DO NOT park in faculty/staff parking (enforced 24/7).
Bayou Building, Garden Room
University of Houston-Clear Lake
2700 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Meetings are open to members and non-members. If you would like to become a member, you may join online. For more information about the Native Plant Society of Texas and the benefits of membership please visit:
Hosted by the Environmental Institute of Houston, University of Houston-Clear Lake.