

The Native Plant Society of Texas offers two scholarships for undergraduates at Texas colleges who major in biology, ecology, botany, landscape architecture, horticulture or related fields and who will be juniors or seniors in Fall 2024. Successful applicants will show a clear interest in Texas Native Plants and future plans that align with the stated mission of the Society: Promoting conservation, research and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example.

The Grants & Scholarships Committee administers all student awards. Please direct questions to

How to Apply

Application period open February 1 through March 15.

Dr. Alfred Richardson Scholarship

Man in blue button down, holding an award. Standing in front of green foliage.The Dr. Alfred Richardson Scholarship is a tuition scholarship funded by an endowment created by Harry and Marilyn Kirk. The award is $5,000-$10,000 per year for up to two years and will go to a student who plans to pursue an academic or research career focusing on the study, conservation or utilization of Texas native plants.

Kate Hillhouse Scholarship

Kate Hillhouse

NPSOT established this scholarship in 2008 to honor a former president of the Society who was also an educator. Proceeds from our Fall Symposium Silent Auction and additional donations from chapters and members fund this scholarship, which is a one-time $2,500 award for an undergraduate who plans to pursue a career related to Texas native plants and/or to the conservation and restoration of native plant habitats in Texas.

Scholarship News

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