Monarch Garden Grants
The Native Plant Society of Texas awards small grants to nature centers, schools, educational groups and others to help fund development of Monarch demonstration gardens or Monarch Waystations using native plants on public sites in Texas. The purpose of this program is to educate members, applicants, and the public about Monarch conservation and native plants, and to encourage restoration of Monarch habitats throughout the Texas migration flyway.
Amount and Source of Funds
Grants are funded by Native Plant Society of Texas, Monarch Watch and by individual and corporate donations to the Bring Back the Monarchs to Texas (BBMT) program. In 2025, additional funds through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation will be used to underwrite some of the garden grants. The Native Plant Society of Texas is grateful for the help and cooperation of Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation in providing these funds.
The total amount to be budgeted for this program varies from year to year. The number of grants awarded and the maximum size of grants may change with each grant cycle and depend on available funds. The grant application each year will state the current cap on grant amounts. Groups are not required to spend their own funds to match the amount of the grant.
Approved Types of Expenditures
Funds must only be spent on native milkweeds and native nectar plants. Applications will be accepted for both new gardens and improvement and maintenance of established Monarch Waystations or Monarch demonstration gardens. Plants can be replaced or milkweeds can be added. Funds cannot be spent on signage, hardscape features, barriers, soil, amendments or any other non-plant items.
Grant Administration Committee
The Bring Back the Monarchs to Texas Committee serves as the grant administration committee. The committee’s duties include evaluating and ranking grant applications and awarding grants. Evaluation will be based on each plan’s completeness and feasibility, its benefits to Monarchs, and its aesthetically pleasing use of native plants.
Grant applications are closed for 2025. We’ll announce our grant recipients soon.
Procedure and Timing
Open the Application
- Open the online Garden Grant Application. Part One consists primarily of simple contact information.
- Open the application on your own computer and save a completed copy for yourself. As you type, the spaces will expand to accommodate all your information. You must use the supplied online form. Once you submit your form, your data will be automatically entered into our grant spreadsheet, and your application folder will be created.
- You will receive an immediate confirmation email that your data has arrived, sent to the address from which it came. This email will include your grant application number. You will need this number for all future communications with us.
- Within three days of submitting Part One, you will receive a second email with instructions and Part Two questions attached as a Word document, sent to the primary contact person’s email. This email will also contain your assigned grant name. You will need that name for future communications with us.
- Your application is not complete until the Part Two questions have been answered and any supporting documentation has been returned to us. Be sure to save and retain completed copies.
- Submit Part Two application answers and all supporting documents to by February 10th, 2025. Your email subject line should have the following format: BBMT-25-(your assigned grant number)-(your assigned grant name). Including the assigned number and name ensures it will be filed correctly in your application folder.
- Grants will be decided around March 1st, and all applicants will be notified of their status
- Checks should be received by mid-March
- Funds are to be spent by October 31 of the grant year.
- Final project evaluation report will be filed with the Bring Back the Monarch Committee no later than November 30. Any extensions must be requested and
approved. - Messages and questions for the committee can be sent at any time during the process to
This schedule of events represents a departure from our previous procedures. Its intent is to allow for summer preparation and fall planting of garden sites, where that timeline is deemed preferable. Gardens may now be installed in the spring or in the fall under the new timeline. The two-part application will help us ensure accuracy and serve applicants better as our program expands.
The Bring Back the Monarchs to Texas Committee chairman will monitor the progress of the project. In some cases, site visits by a committee member or representative may be conducted. We ask that project coordinators inform the committee when the garden work is completed so that visits can be scheduled. By November 30, the grantee will submit a short written report (your choice of format) to the Bring Back the Monarchs to Texas Committee giving the project status or results, including lessons learned that would help others on similar projects, records of man-hours contributed by volunteers, and project accounting statement with copies of invoices and receipts. Including photos is strongly encouraged. This information will be used to capture results of the program. All reports and photos submitted will be saved to your project folder along with your application. Reports can be filed earlier than November 30 if the work is completed. Send final grant reports to
Determination of a Monarch Watch Waystation
Registering your garden as a Monarch Waystation through Monarch Watch is encouraged but not required under the terms of the grant. To register your garden, visit
Monarch & Milkweed Resources
Learn about Monarchs Learn about the Monarch Butterfly Learn about Milkweed Texas Parks and Wildlife Identification of Milkweeds (Illustrated Guide) Learn about Butterfly Gardens Wildflower Center guide to making
Monarch Waystation Requirements
Monarch Waystations are places that provide all the resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. A Monarch Waystation needs milkweeds, nectar plants, and some kind of