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During the month of April, people and organizations across the country can celebrate native plants in April by planting native trees, shrubs, perennials, vines and grasses, planning educational events with schools and community organizations, hosting hands-on workshops, removing non-native invasive plants so native plants can thrive, and restoring areas with native habitats to allow birds, […]
Monday, April 8 — Clear Lake Chapter Meeting — Rich Sommer will talk about moths and other night-flying insects found in our area.
Dear NLCP Committee Members, This Monday begins our first meeting of 2024. We will meet at 7:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month on this Zoom link: https://npsot-org.zoom.us/j/87628189964?pwd=NUdBV3ZTSzFVMjJjTnpycjlQTGRJQT09. We're a small committee, and we don't get to see each other in person very often, so please plan to join with your camera on. See […]
Habitat volunteers help weed and mulch flower beds, plant native plants, maintain pathways, and trim trees and bushes.
Open to any members who help manage content on their chapter or committee website.No registration required. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 897 7771 6314Passcode: &dscT=3F
Please join us at the Texas Museum of Handmade Furniture to help maintain the Lindheimer Chapter's native demonstration garden. Please bring water, closed toe shoes, gloves, and your favorite gardening tools. Contact Craig Bruska at craigbruska@hotmail.com for details and to confirm the workday.
Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) Executive Committee meetings occur monthly and any member may attend. Contact the Executive Director prior to the meeting at state@npsot.org for Zoom and applicable document links. Please be prepared to follow the Visitor’s Executive Meeting Protocol.
From our partners at the Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT). How will climate change impact Texas and the native prairie and savanna ecosystems? How do we plan restorations to be sustainable in 2050? Do we need to change our land management practices? The NPAT Fayette Prairie Chapter will host a year-long series of presentations […]
Join NPSOT-Williamson County on Thursday, April 11, 2024, when our featured topic will be “Drought-Tolerant Native Plants: Nothing Works Like Natives” with Randy Pensabene. Free and open to the public. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Our guest speaker’s presentation begins after a short business meeting. NEW Randy has provided a handout ==> (link updated Apr 14) click […]
The Heard Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney will be hosting its annual Spring Native Plant Sale from April 12th to 14th. We are proud to partner with the Heard Museum on this event, which is renowned as one of the longest-running, largest, and best native plant sales in the state. On Friday April 12th, there […]
Join us as we welcome Matt Kauffman, well-known Rio Grande Valley native plant enthusiast. Matt will share his experience and knowledge from years working with native plants in his container […]
Lantana's North Amenity Center, 11555 Lantana Trail, Lantana The Native Plant Society of Texas will be hosting a booth at this fun event. We'll have information for you as well as knowledgeable volunteers to answer your questions. Please stop by and say "Hello." Happy gardening!
Join us for our first chapter meeting! We will present the overall mission of the Native Plant Society of Texas and our focus on the Rio Grande Valley. We will […]
Second Saturday Workday at Cibolo Nature Center Demonstration Gardens. Please bring work gloves, hat, water, sun and insect protection
The Heard Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney will be hosting its annual Spring Native Plant Sale from April 12th to 14th. We are proud to partner with the Heard Museum on this event, which is renowned as one of the longest-running, largest, and best native plant sales in the state. On April 12th, there will […]
A Conversation about Invasive Plants / What they are / Why They're Harmful / And How We Can Do Better for the Environment by Pam Lienhard at Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library This program will discuss what plants are considered invasive; the difficulty in recognizing and controlling invasive plants; the damage they might cause to the environment; […]
Healthy Parks Healthy People at Bentsen-RGV State Park in Mission. Our chapter will have an outreach table where we will run a native plant scavenger hunt as part of the Children in Nature event. You can stop by to say hello or volunteer to help out. Questions? rio-grande-valley-chapter@gmail.com