September 10 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Conversation about Invasive Plants / What they are / Why They’re Harmful / And How We Can Do Better for the Environment by Pam Lienhard at Riverside Nature Center, 150 Francisco Lemos St.
This program will discuss what plants are considered invasive; the difficulty in recognizing and controlling invasive plants; the damage they might cause to the environment; why native plants are better for our habitat; and offer suggestions on which native plants are suitable substitutions in your landscape.
A handout of common invasive plants of the area and suggestions for native Texas plant alternatives will be available.
Pam Lienhard is a 5th generation Texan; grew up in New Braunfels; attended Southwest Texas State University and University of Illinois.
She is a 20 + year member of NPSOT; became a certified Master Naturalist in 2015; had the great fortune to work on the NPSOT state board where I learned a lot about invasive plants from Deedy Wright and Cheryl Hamilton
“I think my greatest appreciation of nature came as a student and visitor in Germany. A friend and I worked one summer in Bavaria with a clear lake (no gasoline engines allowed) in the foreground and majestic mountains all around. I learned one could walk through forests, fields and meadows pretty much at will (as long as you stayed on the trail…it was Germany after all). I was hooked on being out in natural habitats.
Having grown up in Central Texas, I love the natural beauty of the Hill Country. I’ve lived in Kerrville for 23 years, but am saddened by how quickly much of this beauty is being lost.“