August 24, 2023 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
HANDOUT–Please print before meeting
The monthly meeting will be broadcast ONLY via Zoom (see Zoom link below)
6:30 pm Socializing on Zoom
7:00 pm brief business meeting with program to follow.
The best thing for replacing habitat is not to have lawn. So we enlarge our beds & planting areas. Sometimes we still need a bit of lawn area for walking on, playing on, pets use, city ordinances, etc. So what can we use that is native? Kathy will show some examples of non grass lawn plants for those situations as well as some taller groundcovers to fill in areas that are not walked on.
Kathy Saucier has been a member of NPSOT and Trinity Forks for 31 years. She currently runs the plant inventory for our annual native plant sale. She also has contributed to the NICE! program and NLCP and is a Fellows member. After nearly 40 years in the DFW area she has moved down to her family farm where she grew up, near Fredericksburg. She loves having a bigger pallet to work with and more space to grow plants.
We will open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so everyone can socialize and get settled and begin the business and program promptly at 7:00pm. Load up on snacks, and get ready for a little throw-back Zoom meeting!
Meeting ID: 832 3764 1371 Passcode: 107836 One tap mobile +13462487799,,83237641371#,,,,*107836# US (Houston) +17193594580,,83237641371#,,,,*107836# US