Houston-area Native Seed Library
The Houston Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT)
is exploring the creation of a Local Native Seed Library!
– Our vision is that seeds donated to this library would be made available to NPSOT Houston members to propagate their own plants from the seeds.
– Members that withdraw seeds from the library will be requested donate a portion of the seeds produced by those plants back to the library for other members to use.
– And/or that they donate other local native seeds they collect.
NPSOT Houston Seed Census:
Do you have extra local native seeds (see “local native” definition below) you would be willing to donate?
Please fill out the Houston Chapter Local Native Seed Library Survey form to provide information about the seeds you have.
*Please complete a separate form per each species* you would be willing to donate.
“Local native” plants are those that are native to Harris County or one of our surrounding counties.
Check whether your species is a local native by searching for it in the U.S Department of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service Native Plants Database: https://plants.usda.gov/java/