Application Deadline: September 1
The Clear Lake Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas awards grants to nature centers, schools, educational groups and others to help fund development and maintenance of pollinator habitats using native plants, shrubs or trees on public sites in Brazoria, Galveston or Harris Counties of Texas. Priority is given to projects located in Brazoria Co., Galveston Co., and the southeast quadrant of Harris County.
The goal of this program is to:
- Educate members of the Society and the public about pollinator conservation,
- Build or restore pollinator habitats in order to support and increase pollinator populations and diversity,
- Promote the research, conservation and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example.
Pollinator Habitat Qualities
- Use native plants, shrubs or trees that provide nectar and pollen sources and larval host plants
- Provide a water source
- Be situated in sunny areas or partly sunny areas
- Create large pollinator targets with clusters of native or non invasive plants
- Establish continuous blooms throughout the growing season
- Plan for at least two years maintenance
- Signage describing the garden project is required
Note: A habitat may also contain non-native nectar and pollen plants, but no invasive plants.
Amount and Source of Funds
Grants are funded by the Clear Lake Chapter. The total amount to be budgeted for this program varies from year to year. Individual grants of up to $500 may be awarded and the grantee is not required to match the amount of the grant awarded.
Approved Types of Expenditures
Funds must be used to purchase only native plants for our ecoregion or seeds for these plants. Applications will be accepted for new habitats or for improvement and maintenance of established pollinator habitats. Plants can be replaced, or native plants can be added. Grant funds cannot be spent on signage, hardscape features, barriers, soil, pesticides, amendments or any other non-plant items.
Education Committee
The Education Committee of the Clear Lake Chapter serves as the grant administration committee. The committee’s duties include evaluating grant applications and awarding grants. Evaluations will be based on each plan’s
- Completeness – has every question been answered, including a garden design plan,
- Feasibility – better to start smaller with future expansion planned,
- Benefit to the community – which part of the community will benefit, and
- How well the proposed project meets the program’s goals.
The Education Committee will oversee the project’s progress, with status reports filed in December and March, including photos. A final project evaluation report and presentation are required.
Questions for the education committee can be sent at any time during the process to
Important Dates and Status Reports (2024-25 Grant Cycle)
Status report format is linked on this Web page and emailed to the contact person listed on the grant application.
July 1 | Grant Application Opens | See application below. |
Aug 10 | Planning a Public Space Pollinator Garden & Grant Application Walk Through | |
Sep 1 | Deadline to submit the application to the education committee. | See application below. |
Sep 15 | Notification of award via email. | |
Dec 1 | First status report due. | Report Form 1 |
Mar 1 | Second status report due. | Report Form 2 |
May 1 | Funds are to be spent, unless an extension is requested. | |
May 15 | Final project evaluation report due. | Final Report Form |
June or July | Project presentation at chapter meeting (second Monday). |
Complete the application online or fill out a form. Save a copy of your completed application for yourself.
Application deadline: September 1
Complete application online: Online Application (preferred)
You may use the PDF form linked below to prepare your documentation before filling out the online application.
Complete downloadable form: Application Form (PDF file)
Email completed form and attachments to
Completed application and documents may be mailed to:
Clear Lake Chapter NPSOT
c/o Environmental Institute of Houston
2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 540
Houston, TX 77058
Final Report
By May 1, the grantee will submit a written report to the education committee giving:
- The project status or results,
- Lessons learned that would help others on similar projects,
- Records of man hours contributed by each volunteer,
- Project accounting statement with invoices and receipts, and
- Maintenance plan for at least two years.
This information will be used to capture results of the program. The final report may be filed earlier than May 1 if the work is completed.
Funded Sites
Recommended Books
Eierman, Kim. The Pollinator Victory Garden: Win the War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening: How to Attract and Support Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Bats, and Other Pollinators. Beverly, MA: Quarry Books, 2020.
Lee-Mäder Eric. Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees and Butterflies: the Xerces Society Guide. North Adams, MA: Storey Pub., 2011.
Tallamy, Douglas W. Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2016.
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