
Welcome to the Austin Chapter of NPSOT including Travis and surrounding counties. 

Use the menus in the bar above to get more information relevant to our area, including plant lists, activities, and more.

Please join us at a meeting, field trip, plant rescue, or other activity.

Chapter News

Posts about our chapter activities, and other important information

Fall Plant Sale is Coming

NPSOT Austin’s fall plant sale fundraiser will be on Saturday, October 7, 2023. Starting this fall, the plant sale will be held at a new location: Dowell Ranch. Keep an

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Upcoming Events

Monthly Meetings

We meet most months both in-person and online via Zoom. Details are on our Facebook page and email newsletter, or on the events list above.

  • 4th Tuesday evening of most months
  • 6:45 p.m.: Meet & Mingle
  • 7 p.m.: Presentation
  • 8:10 p.m.: Announcements/Business
  • 8:45 p.m.: Adjourn
 Join our chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas!

Stay in Touch

To stay up to date on all our meetings and activities, subscribe to the NPSOT Austin email list. You will get:

  • Our monthly newsletter
  • The link to join our monthly meeting by Zoom
  • Reminders of plant sales, plant rescues, and other special events
Austin Area Ecoregions Level III and IV

Welcome to the Austin Chapter of NPSOT including Travis County and the dozens of cities within its boundaries. 

We are in both the Texas Blackland Prairies and Edwards Plateau Ecoregions, divided around Interstate-35, and includes urban, prairie, and woodlands landscapes. Our average rainfall is about 35 inches with peak rainfall usually in May and October, Hardiness Zone 9a.

Use the menus in the bar above to get more information relevant to our area, including plant lists, activities, and more. The menus in white lead to our State NPSOT website.

Please join us at a meeting, field trip, plant rescue, or other activity.

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