Gayfeather: Fall Blooming, Showy Perennial (Liatris punctata)
Description: Liatris punctata is a large eastern and midwestern North
American genus that includes 43 species, collectively called Gayfeather,
Texas Blazing Star, or Button-Snakeroot. Narrow-Leaf Gayfeather, L.
punctata, is native to eastern and northern Texas, south to the Edwards
Plateau and west to the rolling plains. This prairie perennial has multiple
stalks that spread 1 to 1.5 feet wide. It grows 1 to 3 feet tall and has an
erect growth pattern, growing from corm-like structures in the soil. True to
its name, Narrow Leaf Gayfeather has narrow leaves that are
approximately 2 inches long.
To learn more view Liatris punctata: plant information sheet