Leads: Haeley Giambalvo and Teresa Maslonka
Workdays: As needed.
The San Antonio chapter was approached by our new NICE Program Plant Partner Nursery, Pollinatives, in early May 2024, to help install a native plant demonstration garden at the nursery. While Pollinatives exclusively sells native plants, not all of their customers are familiar with these plants. So creating a native plant demonstration garden would be an excellent opportunity to educate and promote native plants to a new audience! Of course, we responded “all in!”
Donald and Melanie Gerber, the owners of Pollinatives, had recently cleared a 15′ x 120′ bed alongside their parking lot. It is an excellent location to showcase the plants that are available at the nursery. NPSOT SA volunteers helped Donald create a path through the garden and planted 13 new species along the path. These species include:
Carolina Buckthorn – Datura – Switchgrass – Elbow Bush – Lanceleaf Coreopsis – Gulf Vervain – Large-Flowered Gaura – Sugar Hackberry – Arizona Milkweed – Gregg’s Mistflower – Sideoats Grama – Autumn Sage – Berlandier’s Sundrops
Visit the demo garden at Pollinatives, 101 South Street, Converse TX 78109.