Demonstration Gardens
The Guadalupe chapter partners with other organizations to support native plants with two Demonstration Gardens in Seguin and Schertz. More information on our “Park West Pollinator Garden” and “Schertz Pollinator Garden” can be found at this link:
Local Demonstration Gardens – Native Plant Society of Texas (
NICE! Native Plant Partners in the Guadalupe County area:
The NICE Native Plant Partners program is a collaboration between the Native Plant Society of Texas and local nurseries around the state to offer natives that are right for the local environment. Texas is a large, diverse state and plants that work for one region may not always be the best choice in a different region. Native Plant Partners committees run by our local chapters create a list of Plant of the Month plants (in some areas a Plant of the Season) in cooperation with participating local nurseries and wholesalers in order to assure availability. The Native Plant Society chapter then helps promote the Plant of the Month through its website and newspaper articles, signs at the point of sale and other means. Often an information sheet on the plant is available at the nursery.
ERA Eco-Landscaping and Native Nursery
Monthly Native Plant Sales, see website.
Green Jay Gardens
Visit store website
Maldonado Garden Center
Visit store website