Member Initiatives

Camp Strake Pollinator Garden
During the summer of 2022, three native pollinator gardens were installed at Camp Strake. Over 65 native plants were planted in a sunny garden, shady garden, and bog garden. The garden was

Gardens at Lone Star College
Doug Boyd planted and is maintaining a native plant garden on the SH242 side of the Tomball campus, Lone Star College. Plant List

Sam Houston Elementary Pollinator Garden
This garden is a joint project by Pines and Prairies Chapter, NPSOT; Heartwood Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist); and Coushatti Trace Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Carolyn Worsham, a member of
Demonstration Gardens
Volunteer Opportunities
Work and Learn at Lone Star Native Nursery – Thursdays from 9a-12p (through the end of May)
Work and Learn at W. G. Jones State Forest – Sundays from 9-11a
Spring Creek Nature Center – weed and water the pollinator garden at your convenience
Lake Creek Preserve – weed and water the pollinator garden at your convenience
NICE! Native Plant Partners
Native Landscape Certification Program
The NPSOT Native Landscape Certification Program (NLCP) is a series of day-long classes highlighting best practices for native plant landscaping, including wildlife habitat gardening.
Each class consists of an indoor training session and a plant identification session. Plants native to the local ecoregion are highlighted, and their use in the landscape is demonstrated.
Forty-five native Texas plants are recommended in each level, and five non-native plants to avoid are introduced.
Goals of the NLCP classes:
- educate NPSOT members and the general public about the value of natives,
- demonstrate how to use native plants in home, public and commercial landscapes and habitat restorations, and
- provide native landscape education, CEUs, and credentials to landscape professionals, developers, and nature-oriented groups
- Level 1: Introduction to Native Landscapes – Class & Plant Walk
- Level 2: Design and Development with Native Plants – Class & Plant Walk
- Level 3: Installing and Maintaining Native Landscapes – Class & Plant Walk
- Level 4: Stewardship of Native Plant Communities (under development) – Class & Plant Walk Visit
Public Garden Grant Proposals
Grants are available for public gardens in the counties served by Pines and Prairies – Grimes, Montgomery, and Walker.
To apply for a grant, please download and complete this form and email it to
NOTE: If the form doesn’t download using your browser of choice, contact Carolyn Worsham.