Monday, January 13 • 6:15 p.m.
Hybrid Meeting
6:15 Doors Open – UHCL Bayou Building, Garden Room
6:40 Zoom Opens
6:45 Business Meeting
6:55 Plant of the Month
7:00 Guest Speaker
Join us for an evening of delicious pizza, exciting door prizes, seed swap, and the chance to connect with others while learning something new!
In this presentation, Adam Lawrence will explore incorporating native plants—particularly native grasses—into your home landscaping. Learn about the ecological benefits, aesthetic appeal, and practical steps to create a sustainable, nature-friendly garden inspired by the beauty of coastal prairies.
About the Speaker
Adam Lawrence is the Habitat and Stewardship Manager at Artist Boat, where he oversees the Coastal Heritage Preserve, a nearly 1,100-acre expanse of coastal prairie and wetlands on the west side of Galveston Island. An ecologist by trade, Adam holds degrees in ecology and evolutionary biology as well as business from Rice University. He has been engaged in botany research since his teenage years, having done vegetation surveys and monitoring for federal agencies, as a private consultant, and now in the non-profit sector. Adam’s love for prairie ecosystems is reflected in his appreciation for Little Bluestem and Bushy Bluestem, his favorite plants.
Seed Exchange
In addition to our speaker, we will be having a seed exchange. These cold winter days are a great time to review your seeds and package those you have collected in 2023 or 2024. The packet can be any kind of paper envelope and any size. Please label each envelope with the common and botanical names. Check our Native Plant Database if you need help with names. Also, add the location you collected the seeds and the month and year collected.
In-person – Parking Pass Required
Parking passes required. If you have a pass, don’t forget it – you will not get another one if you picked one up previously. If you need a pass, arrive early enough to pick one up in the meeting room and place it in your car. DO NOT park in faculty/staff parking (enforced 24/7).
Bayou Building, Garden Room
University of Houston-Clear Lake
2700 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Meetings are open to members and non-members. If you would like to become a member, you may join online. For more information about the Native Plant Society of Texas and the benefits of membership please visit:
Hosted by the Environmental Institute of Houston, University of Houston-Clear Lake.